Enter my mind and see ancient history of Israel and its modern echo in the eyes of a madman. Discover that the crusades were launched in the name of Jesus by the people who wield the very same authority they …
Enter my mind and see what I see when I observe the politics of hate at work in America. When leaders ignore kneeling at football games and protestors are shot or run down by vehicles in the street, I see …
Enter my mind, and see what I see when I consider discrimination against American Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) people. In this episode, I examine the "faith based" underpinnings of LGBTQ discriminati...
In this episode, you will enter my mind and see abortion through the eyes of a madman. And if you spend an hour in my sonic gravity, you will see how, in the abortion context, conservatives abandon their values of …