April 24, 2023

Punishment Theory

Punishment Theory

Enter my mind and view the universe through the eyes of a madman.  When perception is reality and we realize we've been deceived, can we rise above the limitations of our perception and train ourselves to discern information closer to the truth than we have in the past?  How do we do this and how do we prevent future deception?  Punishment Theory.

Featured Episodes

Sept. 17, 2024

State of the Union: MH370 Part 1

Sonic Gravity returns after a six month hiatus. Orbit in Sonic Gravity and view the universe through the eyes of a madman. Experience the chaos of personnel change over at the highest levels of government, stock tips, dieta...

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Dec. 15, 2022

The Real Prime Directive

As of December 8, 2022, Human Civilization has unravelled the secret of wormholes, time travel, zero point energy propulsion, teleportation and achieved inertially confined fusion ignition--and by it's terms, the Prime Direct...

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Oct. 30, 2023

Aliens Exist

Orbit in Sonic Gravity and see the universe through the eyes of a madman, and you will realize that as Senator Marco Rubio, Representative Mike Gallagher, and the world attempt to rationalize the revelation that alien life is...

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