Enter my mind and see the universe through the eyes of a madman. This is the answer, the key that unlocked the answers to every mystery in theoretical physics . . . the objective reality of the universe. I give you the formula and the derivation of Quantum Gravity.
Fqg = (MOEH)*(TDi-TDg)/((dt^2)*c^2)
Listen to the breakthroughs of the last 100 years and understand how the greatest minds of our time accurately calculated critical elements in the nature of the universe--close enough to touch the Sonic Gravity Theory of Everything--close enough to build it, for it is on the backs of the great minds of the last century, as spoken in the words of Dr. Matt O'Dowd, in his PBS Space Time lectures that the Sonic Gravity Theory of Everything was forged--forged on the anvil of bipolar mania in the mind of a madman.
**NOTE: a correction for the equation for Quantum Gravity is that the formula articulated in the audio must be multiplied by c^-2. The audio will be corrected by 1/1/2022.