Inspired by an interview on The Singularity Lab with Ross Coulthart, an international investigative reporter who has spent years compiling and investigating UFO phenomena, collecting objective data, and interviewing experiencers, military leaders, and government insiders, and in view of the hospitality shown to me and the Sonic Gravity vibe on social media, I am releasing this episode of gratitude.
During the interview, I detected that, time immemorial, UFO/UAP disclosure has been fraught with deception, even by our government and institutions traditionally regarded as holding a place of trust in our society. I sensed fear in the UFO community that the disclosure by the U.S. Navy was incomplete, perhaps misleading, and just a second phase in the misinformation campaign.
So in this episode, I give you yet another glimpse into the design of the Voorhees Anti-Gravity Engine--another reason to believe that you are witnessing the dawn of the Quantum Age. And, to slake the fears and anxiety of the UFO community, I'm pulling back the curtain to competing for federal contracts with the U.S. Government, and the ability to join the UAP Office of Investigation and Threat Assessment (or whatever they end up calling it), and after you orbit in my Sonic Gravity, you will have seen the path through the eyes of a madman, to claim your destiny, as an agent of discovery, in the human quest to achieve UFO Disclosure Supremacy.