In this episode we use the Sonic Gravity Theory of Everything's Rosetta Stone of the Universe, to unlock dozens of mysteries in theoretical physics . . . and solves mysteries that were questions we didn't even think we didn't know . . . like why is the hummingbird so fast? We unite classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, derive the Schrodinger equation and the Dirac equation, we demystify antimatter and elementary particle decay and drastically simplify the Standard Model of particle physics; we demonstrate the embodiment of General Relativity and complete Einstein's equations for the energy of mass and momentum to include dark matter, which becomes the united equation of the quantum Lagrangian and the quantum Hamiltonian into a single equation--the Voorheesian. In short, the SGTOE Rosetta Stone of the Universe unlocks the geometry and symmetries arising from our consciousness existing on the 2d holographic surface of our black hole universe and unifies everything we measure and observe into a single unified theory . . . and that is a fact.